Author Archives: Helen

More on the Incas


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We left Punta Arenas, Chile on Saturday 19th March finishing in Ushuaia, Argentina on 23rd March. 190 people on board including  8 aussies.   Stella Australis     Rubber zodiac did the ship to shore deliveries     Tucker Islet – Magellan penguins moulting before heading to warmer climes for winter     Pia Glacier &hellip Continue reading »

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Canada to Patagonia

Now into the second half of our travels and we’ve arrived in Patagonia via Whistler (Canada), Peru, Bolivia and Sandiago (Chile). Next we jump on board the Stella Australis for a 5 day cruise at the “bottom end” of South America. The photo’s tell many stories for us, but will at least give you an &hellip Continue reading »

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