

Our last day in London was spent at the Victoria and Albert Museum and then a walk into Hyde Park, a place we haven’t been for 35 years! Still the same. Tuesday 29 August – Flight from London to Madrid. We checked into the Westin Palace Hotel and were upgraded to give us continuity in &hellip Continue reading »

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We arrived in England a week ago and have hardly drawn breath. Our first 3 nights were at the Highdale B&B in Nailsea, near Bristol. We had timed our trip to join John’s second cousin, Gillian and her husband Bev in celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. Their son Jonathon, wife Rebecca and children Jake and &hellip Continue reading »

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DUBAI Wednesday 30th September and we arrived at Dubai approx midnight, met our shuttle bus contact for transport to our hotel. Our room is very spacious and comfortable and we had a reasonable nights sleep. Thursday 1 October – Off just across the road to visit Deira Mall (at least three times as big as &hellip Continue reading »

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NICE We disembarked Azamara Quest at 9am Saturday 26th and took a taxi to our hotel. After checking in and storing our luggage we took a bus t(30mins 1.50 euros) o Monaco as Hiliary hadn’t been there and she and Janet were only staying in Nice 1 night. Arriving in Monaco we found there was &hellip Continue reading »

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Cruise Barcelona to Nice Sept 2015 Ibiza – Very steep walk into the walled old city. Visited the cathedral and museum, then just a walk through the old town. After lunch walk through the lower part near the water. Mostly touristy style shops. Is the 3rd largest of Spain’s Balearic Islands. A popular holiday destination. &hellip Continue reading »

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BARCELONA After a 2 hour flight we arrived in Barcelona at 11.15pm. Friday. Our shuttle bus guide met us and we sat, then moved to another area and sat! At 12.20am he told us our driver will be here in 10 mins, he was and it was just us in the van. We picked up &hellip Continue reading »

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We had a fabulous 6 days in Malta, immersed in the history of a very small country. It was very easy to travel using a 7 day bus pass for 21 euros that gave us unlimited ravel on buses even to Gozo. The re were many highlights such as Hypogeum a 5000 year old burial &hellip Continue reading »

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Our flight from Buenos Aires to Sydney came via Antarctica which was a bonus. The photos were from 35,000 feet and show the massive iceflow. Unfortunately no large icebergs.

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Pacqueta Island

Pacqueta Island is accessed only by ferry which takes an hour. It was originally inhabited by Indians their decendents are still there as well as other nationals – very much a holiday destination for swimming, walking, fishing – no 5 star hotels. No cars on the island the only motorised vehicle was the tractor otherwise &hellip Continue reading »

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Rio de Janeiro

Our hotel was across the road from Copacabana Beach which is the first photo. Ipanema Beach which was around the next headland – a very upmarket area. Rio from the top of Christ the Redeemer Hill which was accessed by a train – very steep in parts Cablecar to Sugarloaf and view from the top. &hellip Continue reading »

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