Prague/Cesky Krumlov

Posted by John on June 11, 2019

Our flight from Canberra was very long but uneventful. Canberra to Singapore direct where we had 6 hours to spare so took a free bus tour of Singapore. Then to Frankfurt for a short transit then to Prague where a driver was waiting for us at the airport (23.15 Tuesday 28 May) to take us on the 20 minute ride into the city. We checked in at Ritchie’s Hotel in the Old Town before walking across the narrow street to our Historic City Apartment.  It was clean, comfortable with basic kitchen items, dishwasher, washing machine etc. The street, Karlova, is the main thoroughfare to Charles Bridge – very busy during the day and into the night but the apartment was double windowed and quiet.

Wednesday 29th. Weather fine and around 12 degrees, later about 18 degrees. After breakfast in the hotel across the road, we decided to orientate ourselves with a ‘free’ two-and-a-half-hour walking tour of Prague Old Town/Jewish Quarter. The guide, Zach, was very good, an American whose  only income is tips. During the afternoon we walked across Charles Bridge to Lesser Town and to St Nicholas Church to find out about a concert there Thursday night. We walked passed Lennon Wall across Legionare Bridge to Old Town and Visitor Centre to find out where the bus station was for Sunday’s trip. Also over 70’s have free transport on local trains, trams, buses. The Old Town Square is a hive of activity with many restaurants, a couple of churches, Town Hall and famed Astronomical Clock which strikes on the hour with animated figures. Dinner in a nearby rest/bar.
Thursday 30th. Today we decided to join a ‘free’ tour of Prague Castle – 3 hours with a tram ride to the top. The guide, Tomas, is Czech now living in Prague. About a dozen in the group. The tram took us to the highest point of the castle grounds and from there we walked down through the many viewpoints over Prague and interesting streets. We were given a fantastic history lesson – Tomas’s knowledge was exceptional. Although we didn’t go into the castle building or towers we walked through the beautiful church and the many courtyards. We spoke at echo rock where only YOU hear the echo – amazing. It was built this way so politicians can hear what they sound like making a speech and no-one else can. The tour lasted 31/2 hours and Tomas earned a decent tip. We had a quick lunch returning back to our flat via Krcma Pub where we made a dinner booking for tonight. (Recommended by Zach). At 5.30 we walked back to St Nicholas Church in Lessser Town for the organ and trumpet classical music concert that went for an hour. It was fantastic. Dinner in the pub was good.
Friday 31st. Late start this morning. Walked to Wenceslas Square to visit both the Old and New Museums. The New Museum had an exhibition on the Celts and their growth in this region before heading west to England and Ireland, something neither of us knew. It was a fantastic exhibition, one we will remember. The Old Museum, which reopened last year after renovations had a political exhibition and a 2X100 treasured items on display which included a Thylacine!
Saturday 1st June. A quiet day as we both had rather mild colds. I took a very long walk to a fresh food market along the riverside. On returning visited the island Slovansky ostrov. There was a function in the hall so the exhibition of contemporary Chinese potters was closed. In the afternoon walked to the station to check where we were leaving from tomorrow then to Tesco to pick something up for dinner. Quiet night in.
Prague is a wonderful city. Pleased that we decided to stay in the Old Town area as we were close to everything. Weather cold to start and then became warm, sunny. Our walking tours were with Discover Prague Tours, Celetna St, 12, just off Old Town Sq.
Sunday 2nd Cesky Krumlov. Arrived after a comfortable 21/2 hour bus journey. Room at Residence Museum Vitamin not ready at midday so we left our bags and went for lunch and a walk. This is a World Heritage Town, very historic and picturesque with cobblestone streets and a river dividing the town. We had a light take-away dinner in the room.
Monday 3rd  Today we visited the Castle tower, museum and castle courtyards and gardens.The tower gave an excellent 360deg view of C.K.  We took a walk along the river and saw people in canoes shooting down a channel made especially for this purpose to bypass the rapids. Its a very busy town with lots of eateries and pubs. It was full of tourist groups during the day but much quieter at night. Before dinner at little Italian restaurant we had a glass of wine at a bar overlooking the river and looking up at the castle – very pleasant and peaceful.
Tomorrow we will be picked up by a shuttle company for the 21/2 hour trip to Vienna. – 8 passengers door to door.
Photos: Us at Prague Castle, The river at Cesky showing the castle tower


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